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IS-42.A: Social Media in Emergency Management

Course Date


Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to provide the participants with best practices including tools, techniques and a basic roadmap to build capabilities in the use of social media technologies in their own emergency management organizations (State, local, Tribal) in order to further their emergency response missions.

Course Objectives:

  • Explain why social media is important for emergency management.
  • Describe the major functions and features of common social media sites currently used in emergency management.
  • Describe the opportunities and challenges of using social media during the five mission areas of emergency management.
  • Describe best practices for using social media during the five mission areas of emergency management.
  • Describe the process for building social media capabilities and sustaining the use of social media in emergency management organizations (state, local, tribal, territorial).





Course Length:

3 hours
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Take Final Exam
  • Test questions are scrambled to protect test integrity
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